In the file reviewer/admin/includes/class-license-page.php, comment out line 180 and 182 like so
// if( substr( $_POST[ 'purchase_code' ], 0, 1 ) === '#' ) { die( json_encode( self::special_license( $_POST[ 'purchase_code' ] ) ) ); } //
Then find the function special_license which starts around line 334. At the start of that function paste this code:
$license_id = '12345'; $code = $_POST['purchase_code']; $customer = $_POST['first_name'] . " " . $_POST['last_name']; $license = md5($license_id . $customer . $code); update_option( self::$option_key, $license ); update_option( $license, array( 'license' => $license_id, 'code' => $code, 'customer' => $customer, )); RWP_Notification::delete('license'); return array('success' => true, 'data' => array( 'message' => __('License activated manually. Thank you ;)', 'reviewer') ) );
Then in the function remove_license which starts around line 230, find the blank line (around 239) in between } and $body = array( In that space paste this code:
delete_option( $key ); delete_option( self::$option_key ); RWP_Notification::pushLicenseNotice(); self::unschedule_license_checking(); die();
Now you should be able to use any details to activate the plugin and can deactivate also.