WooCommerce – API Manager - V3.3.0

Version: 3.3.0

Item cover for download WooCommerce – API Manager


Manages APIs for software API Key activation/deactivation and software updates.

Sell License Keys for Software and Automated Updates for Plugins and Themes

The WooCommerce API Manager secures your software with API License Key activations/deactivations, and provides automatic updates of plugins and themes to increase customer satisfaction and convenience. Easy updates is a powerful marketing tool that only a handful of companies have been able to offer, until now. Best of all, the WooCommerce API Manager is packed with features that eliminate support requests, increase customer satisfaction, and increase shop manager productivity, so you can focus on selling more products.

Key Features
Automatically generated API License Key emailed to the customer after a product purchase.
Amazon S3 is fully integrated to serve software files with secure links that expire.
Secure automatic software updates through the WordPress dashboard.
Offer software updates for a fee or for free, unlimited updates, updates based on a subscription, and updates based on a specified number of software activations.
Sell software individually, as variable products with sliding scale pricing, as bundles, chained, grouped, composite, or any combination that drives sales.
The option to sell an API License Key with multiple activations that can differ per variable product.
Quick and easy product setup with a global settings option that automatically configures variable/child products.
The customer’s My Account dashboard has all the information the customer needs to manage their software activations, and the power to delete activations for an API License Key, which helps eliminate customer support for these tasks.
The shop manager and customer can both see the number of activations per API License Key, activations remaining, and all other relevant information to manage purchases, even for subscription products.
Customer can email themselves a lost API License Key anytime using an automatically created form on the front end of the blog.
The shop manager can send the customer their completed order at any time, which will contain the products and their API License Keys.
The Order screen allows the shop manager to add/delete API License Keys, view/delete software activations, disable API Access, and change the number of activations per API License Key.
The API sends custom error messages so customers know if there is a problem when activating/deactivating, or doing an update query.
The WooCommerce Subscriptions extension is fully supported to sell subscription based API License Key activations.
Customers can upgrade or downgrade their activations, if the product was purchased as a subscription, by switching their subscription in the My Account Dashboard.
Software versions are updated on the activation section of the Order screen upon activation, and anytime the customer software does an update query.
The download URL is customer order, product, and API License Key specific. The download URL hides the real location of the software file on your server to make it fully secure. The WooCommerce API Manager also checks authentication credentials for each customer automatically to ensure authorized customers can only download the software they purchased. To make it easier to upload software updates, the WordPress media library is used.
If you already use the Software Add-On extension, no problem, your customers can access the WooCommerce API Manager until they switch over to their new WooCommerce API Manager api license key/s.
The WooCommerce API Manager comes with an example plugin, an example theme, and pre-built PHP classes to speed development. If needed, Todd Lahman support can integrate the required WooCommerce API Manager code into your software.
The WooCommerce API Manager offers too many features to list here. It is best to read the documentation to learn more.
Easy Configuration
The WooCommerce API Manager makes it easy to customize each specific product by using the API settings form. Information that appears on the plugin update information screen, such as the changelog, uses a page, so it is very easy to create, update, add images, video, or whatever you can do with the page editor in WordPress. Simple and variable products, even subscription products, can be configured to have their own unique API information, download file, and update information screen settings. For variable products that use the same settings, there is a global checkbox that allows a single form to be filled-in and applied to all variable products to save time, and eliminate possible duplication errors.

On the Order screen, individual API License Keys can be configured as needed, added, or deleted. All relevant information is available at a glance when the API boxes are closed to make it quick and easy to find what you’re looking for.

On the Order screen, API License Key activations are also organized to provide all relevant information to quickly find what you’re looking for. As an added benefit, customer software versions are updated whenever the client software performs an update query, or is activated, so you know which software version clients are using.

The customer’s My Account dashboard makes it easy to see the status of API Keys, and to find what they are looking for. Sometimes a client might need to delete an API Key activation, but do not have access to their client’s blog, for example. No problem, there’s a delete button they can use to delete the activation without having to submit a support ticket.

Informative messages are sent from the License and Update APIs to help customers understand if there is a problem. When customers pass along the message they received to support, it can help resolve issues very quickly, since the error messages have very clear solutions.

Customers will see software update notices in the WordPress dashboard as they would any other plugin or theme. The customer can then update their software with a single click.
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06 May 2024 - Version 3.3.0
28 Dec 2023 - Version 3.2.1
17 Sep 2023 - Version 3.1.0
06 Jul 2023 - Version 3.0.2
07 Jun 2023 - Version 2.7.2
20 Apr 2023 - Version 2.6.7
04 Apr 2023 - Version 2.6.4
* Tweak: Clear cache when order updated.* Tweak: Clear database cache faster when API Resource no longer exists.
22 Dec 2022 - Version 2.4.10
Tweak: On Order edit update of Access Expires and/or Activations, process API cache refresh in task queue rather than immediately.
07 Dec 2022 - Version 2.4.8
Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
19 Sep 2022 - Version 2.4.6
 * Feature: Added a product_list API endpoint which returns a unique list of product data such as Titles and Product IDs with no authentication required. * Fix: get_human_time_diff() method returned slightly incorrect time for date. * Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field displays only a date now rather than friendly messages such as "4 days", as friendly messages broke updates using a value that was not recognized as valid. * Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires help tip was displayed for WooCommerce Subscription when it should be hidden. * Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field was updated when the Update button was clicked without changing the value manually. No update should have occurred. * Tweak: Prevent Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field from being set to value less than current value.
14 Sep 2022 - Version 2.4.5
 * Fix: When the Product edit > API > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for all API Resources containing the Product. * Fix: When the Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for the API Resource containing the Product. * Tweak: Added $source parameter to error and info log methods to allow for custom log file names. * Tweak: Added visual calculation aid for Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit Total. * Tweak: Other visual and tip improvements.
06 Sep 2022 - Version 2.4.3
 * Tweak: Add boolean parameter to refresh_cache_by_order_id() method in SmartCache class. * Add: Add constant WC_AM_PLUGIN_FILE before plugin object instantiated. * Add: WC_AM_Background_Process class to improve background processing of large batches. * Fix: Delete API Resource data from SmartCache bfore updating Access Expires values for all API Resources, so current values can be displayed immediately.
02 Sep 2022 - Version 2.4.2
Changelog typo correction.
02 Sep 2022 - Version 2.4.1
 * Tweak: Faster SmartCache entry deletions for faster cache updates. * Narrow focus for Access Expires value updates to improve update speed for all API Resources. * Fix: Access Expires value not updating for all API Resouces that are variations of Non WC Subscription variable products. * Fix: Corrected TypeError for WC_AM_Format->empty() method that can also test objects. Error surfaced in PHP 8.1 testing.
28 Aug 2022 - Version 2.4
 * Feature: When a Non WC Subscription product > API > API Access Expires value is changed, all existing API Resources/purchases will be recalculated using the new value. * Feature: The Access Expires value in the Order > API Resources meta box can now be edited to increase the Access Expire time per Non WC Subscription products.
17 Jul 2022 - Version 2.3.14
 * Fix: Changed conflicting CSS ID for API Activations metabox. * Fix: Removed CSS previously added to fix WP 3.8 that now causes misaligned checkboxes on Dashboard > Updates screen.
15 Jul 2022 - Version 2.3.13
Fix: Wrong value returned for date used for API Access Expires, when this value is set, due to pre WC 3.0 database query that did not failover to post WC 3.0 database query.
24 Feb 2022 - Version 2.3.12
 * Info: Bump required PHP version to 7.2 to match latest WooCommerce PHP required version. * Info: Bump WooCommerce tested up to version 6.2. * Note: The latest version of WooCommerce is always supported despite tested up to version.
18 Nov 2021 - Version 2.3.11
Fix: Eliminate include of pluggable.php that was included to prevents "Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()" error.
24 Dec 2020 - Version 2.3.9
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  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 06-05-2024
Catégorie eCommerce
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