Asset CleanUp Page Speed Booster PRO - V1.2.6.1


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14 Jan 2025 - Version
25 Sep 2024 - Version
08 Sep 2024 - Version
16 Aug 2024 - Version
31 Oct 2023 - Version
03 Oct 2023 - Version
21 Sep 2023 - Version
31 Aug 2023 - Version
16 Aug 2023 - Version
16 Jul 2023 - Version
17 May 2023 - Version
06 Dec 2022 - Version NULLED
19 Nov 2022 - Version NULLED
* Improvement: Whenever you mark a hardcoded tag as unloaded, it will stay unloaded (the rule will be kept in place) as long as its content or the relative source value will stay the same (e.g. if you unload <style type="text/css">div.custom-name { color: green; }</style> will be considered the same as <style data-custom-attribute="name-here">div.custom-name { color: green; }</style>)* Improvement: Better detection of the tags (including the hardcoded ones) when the source of a tag (e.g. "src" or "href") is not wrapped around quotes or even has spaces added after or before the equal sign / e.g. <script src=/path/to/file.js></script> OR <link rel=stylesheet href = /path/to/file.css>* New Option: Added the load exception (if any unload rule is applied) based on the post type for hardcoded assets (e.g. 'On all WooCommerce "Product" pages')* Whenever XML-RPC is completely disabled in 'Settings' -- 'Disable XML-RPC', make sure the following option is automatically turned ON: 'Settings" --- 'HTML Source CleanUp' -- 'Remove "Really Simple Discovery (RSD)" link tag?'* Fix: 'SweetAlert 2' files were missing when 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' was turned OFF (most cases) which sometimes prevented the modal to show with specific information regarding the plugin rules that were used* Fix: The size of an asset loaded locally was not shown when the path to the file was relative and starting with the URI of the WordPress site URL / Example: The WordPress site URL was "" and the tag was "<script src='/blog/wp-content/path/to/file.js'></script>"* Fix: "Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in "/wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up-pro/classes/OptimiseAssets/(OptimizeCss.php and OptimizeJs.php)"* Fix: Exclude from optimisation JS files that contain "/*@cc_on" and "@*/" as they are meant to be loaded by Internet Explorer and not stripped if they only contain commented code
08 Nov 2022 - Version NULLED
* "CSS/JS Manager": If a handle has inline code associated with it, mention the size (e.g. bytes, KB) of that inlined LINK or SCRIPT (just like it's mentioned for the LINK tags with the "href" attribute and SCRIPT tags with the "src" attribute)* Higher accuracy in detecting (for optimization) the LINK tags that are loading CSS/JS files* Improvement: In case a WordPress installation has a subdirectory (e.g., make sure any assets that have relative URIs (e.g. /blog/wp-content/style.css) are all optimized properly
01 Nov 2022 - Version NULLED
* Improvement: If an asset is an unloaded through the CSS/JS manager and a preload (via LINK tag) was already set through another plugin (e.g. "Pre* Party Resource Hints") or within the theme, for instance in functions.php, make sure to strip the preloading as it's useless if the actual asset is not loaded in the first place* "Plugins Manager" improvement: Compatibility with "Premmerce Permalink Manager for WooCommerce" plugin (if the URL of the product is changed, make sure the rules based on the "product" post type are still applied)* If "SCRIPT_DEBUG" is set to "true", load the non-minified versions of the plugin's assets / read more:* Fix: Make sure none of the plugin's assets are included within any combined CSS/JS files (if the options are enabled in "Settings")* Fix: Make sure to offer fallback to "wp_json_file_decode" in case the WordPress version is below 5.9.0 (as compatibility with older WP versions is promised)
13 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED
* By default, the front-end optimization is not triggered for URIs with query strings (as they are usually not cacheable); Make more exceptions and trigger the optimization when there are common query strings (the page is cacheable) in the URI such as the ones starting with "utm_", "mtm_", "fb_", etc.* Better detection of the homepage in early checks for rules set in "Plugins Manager" by ignoring more common query strings such as the ones starting with "utm_", "mtm_", "fb_", etc.* Higher accuracy in detecting WordPress core files (some of the undetected WP core files used to be shown in the "External 3rd Party" area)* Higher accuracy in detecting a DIVI page builder: Asset CleanUp doesn't load any rules when /wp-admin/admin.php?page=et_theme_builder is loaded unless you want to -- read more:* Cache Enabler Compatibility: Avoid the deprecated error related to "cache_enabler_before_store" by checking the version of Cache Enabler and using the right filter* Improvement: Make sure all the unload rules from "Overview" are marked with red font as all load exceptions are marked with green font* Fix: PHP 8.1 - Make sure substr() doesn't have any null parameters to avoid any errors* Fix: When editing a post/page and "Classic Editor" plugin is activated (basically when the page looks the same as it used to before Gutenberg editor was implemented in WordPress), the "Preview Changes" button from the top right side box does not work if the CSS/JS manager is loaded
30 Sep 2022 - Version NULLED
* Show any special settings in "Overview" -- read more:* Make sure the plugin unload rules for REST API calls (read more: apply on AJAX calls as well (e.g. when a plugin uses jQuery AJAX code to fetch information from a REST API call)* Notify the admin when the tracking notice is shown that he/she can manage this option in the "Settings" area (e.g. in case closing the notice box doesn't work because of some JavaScript errors on that page, coming from a different plugin or the theme)* Make sure the user is redirected only once to the "Getting Started" page after the plugin is activated the first time (not after every re-activation as many developers are doing debugging)* Reduce the number of DB calls when visiting the "Plugins" page within the Dashboard and the "License" page from Asset CleanUp Pro's menu
14 Sep 2022 - Version NULLED
* On pages without any unloading rules, do not make any DB calls or trigger extra PHP code to retrieve any load exceptions as they are irrelevant in this situation since the assets are loaded anyway* Optimised the code to avoid triggering DB calls to the "options" table to check specific transient values* Remove extra DB queries related to "post_format" as this taxonomy is irrelevant for managing in Asset CleanUp Pro* When Asset CleanUp Pro is prevented from loading via the rules from "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Do not load the plugin on certain pages" OR from "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)" within "Page Options" area (when managing assets for a specific page), make sure the checking is done earlier to avoid an extra DB query that would become irrelevant if the plugin would not be loaded on that page
06 Sep 2022 - Version NULLED
* Optimisation: Reduce the number of queries made to the database & trigger fewer code during early code loaded in Asset CleanUp Pro's MU plugin (e.g. to determine if the URI is a homepage, to determine the page type based on the URI)* "Plugins Manager": Make sure the green font shows for any load exception rule that is chosen* "Plugins Manager" Fix: When non-latin characters were used in the URI, some plugin unload/load exception rules were not working such as the ones based on the post type (e.g. post, page, product, tag) and taxonomy (e.g. category, tag, product category, product tag)* "Plugins Manager" Fix: The load exception rule was not applied for plugins on taxonomy pages ('category', 'post_tag', 'product_cat', 'product_tag') when set using the following option: "On the following taxonomy pages:"
05 Aug 2022 - Version NULLED
* Flush "W3 Total Cache" (if the plugin is activated) object cache whenever the list of CSS/JS files is fetched by Asset CleanUp Pro to avoid retrieving the previous configuration after changes are made to the CSS/JS manager* Improvement: Add more uniqueness to the plugin's JS code deferring the CSS to avoid any conflicts with other similar codes* Fix: The requested URI was sometimes wrongly detected as the homepage, if some common query strings (e.g. "utm_source") were in the URI
02 Jul 2022 - Version NULLED
* "Plugins Manager": Ability to unload plugins (and load them as an exception from any unload rule) on all taxonomy pages* "Bricks – Visual Site Builder for WordPress": Do not trigger Asset CleanUp Pro whenever the page builder is used* Fix: Better RegEx for detecting "@import" within CSS comments when optimizing the CSS, thus avoiding useless attempts to fetch the information from the @import locations, since they are commented and not needed in the final CSS version
31 May 2022 - Version NULLED
* "Plugins Manager": Ability to unload plugins (and load them as an exception from any unload rule) on the homepage (no more complex RegEx required) & on all "Category" and "Tag" pages (the default WordPress taxonomies)* Fix: "Google Fonts" -- "Apply font-display: CSS property value" was not applying for hardcoded LINK tags when the Google fonts were not combined* Fix: "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Manage in the Dashboard" -- "Fetch the assets on a button click": if the user updates a post (when Gutenberg editor is used), the CSS/JS manager loads, when it shouldn't as the admin never used the button to fetch the CSS/JS list in the first place
23 Apr 2022 - Version NULLED
* Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "site_url" in [...]/templates/_admin-pages-critical-css/common/_applies-to.php on line 11'* Fix: Load exceptions via RegEx for CSS/JS weren't always matched in PHP 7.1+
23 Mar 2022 - Version NULLED
* Added "wpacu_print_info_comments_in_cached_assets" filter hook for the option to avoid printing by default of plugin's comments in the CSS/JS files (e.g. the relative path to the file)* Fix: Make sure that jQuery Chosen (the nice looking drop-down) is loaded and applied to elements (e.g. taxonomies list) within the CSS/JS manager if loaded from the Dashboard via "WP Remote Post"* Fix: Preloading (basic/async) stopped working in the previous version* Fix: Premium unload/load exceptions rules were not always applying if there were no basic ("Lite" version related) rules applied (which is irrelevant as the user can only apply premium rules if he/she prefers)* UI fix: Async/Defer on this page was not taken into consideration as an applied rule when using the following layout: "Grouped by having at least one rule & no rules"
27 Feb 2022 - Version
Fix: When a static page is set as a homepage in "Settings" - "Reading", any load exceptions set as "On this page" would not take effect for the homepage
05 Feb 2022 - Version
* Fix: Make sure all load exceptions for any unload rule are included in "Tools" -> "Import & Export"* Fix: PHP Warning:  in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /classes/Main.php on line 931* Fix: Whenever unloading on all [taxonomy type] pages was enabled the following type of message wasn't showing in the CSS/JS manager: "This stylesheet is unloaded on all category taxonomy pages."* Avoid notice errors regarding taxonomies that do not exist anymore when having WP_DEBUG turned on by using term_exists()
24 Jan 2022 - Version
* Improvement: Load jQuery UI files locally, thus removing any unnecessary dependency on another site (e.g. not from "")* Improvement: Escape as late as possible all variables when echoed* Improvement: Replaced json_encode() with wp_json_encode() for better security* Fix: When a word containing "calc" (e.g. calculation) was included in CSS comments, sometimes, the code following the comment was stripped
12 Dec 2021 - Version
* PHP 8 Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "critical_css_disabled"' in /templates/admin-page-overview.php* Fix: 'Error: The security check has failed.0' when loading the CSS/JS list via the 'Direct' method within the Dashboard
26 Nov 2021 - Version
* Added the "wpacu_settings" filter - add_filter() - so the plugin's "Settings" can be altered via code (e.g. adding if clauses programmatically to alter the value of a certain textarea or have an option disabled on specific pages) when necessary* Prevent the following option from being accidentally disabled: 'Ignore dependency rule and keep the "children" loaded' (e.g. in rare cases, some CSS/JS have dependencies on certain pages only)* Fix: Added nonce checks for every WordPress AJAX call to improve security
03 Aug 2021 - Version
* Compatibility with FlyWheel hosting accounts (and other hosting accounts using the same pattern): The WordPress root directory is different than the ABSPATH one in relation to the "wp-content" directory where all or most of the CSS/JS files are located (e.g. the file size wasn't calculated for the static files before this change, which is needed for certain plugin functionality such as calculating small files for inlining)* Compatibility fix: Whenever the 'active_plugins' option is updated incorrectly by another plugin, it might contain the filtered list done via "option_active_plugins" and not the original list; Put back the missing plugins to avoid ending up with site-wide deactivated plugins (the ones with unloading rules in "Plugins Manager")* Avoid the same database query to be called more than once within the assetCleanUpHasNoLoadMatches() function* Limit the number of fields that are submitted whenever CSS/JS manager is used by re-organizing the fields' structure; Disable certain inputs that are at the time irrelevant for submitting (it helps if max_input_vars from php.ini is set to the default 1000 which is a low number for large forms)* "Overview" page change: Highlight posts that are not "publish" or "private" within the "Page Options" area* Do not add any CSS/JS manager link to the post's actions if the post is not "publish" or "private" (within "All Posts" page - /wp-admin/edit.php)* Order in alphabetical order the unloaded plugins from the top admin bar "Asset CleanUp Pro" menu
19 Jul 2021 - Version
* "Plugins Manager" Multisite compatibility: Make sure network-activated plugins are fully manageable (e.g. only plugins activated per site were showing)* If "Contract All Groups" & "Expand All Groups" buttons are used, make sure the state (contracted or expanded) whenever the admin manages the assets again (the following option is updated in the background: "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "On Assets List Layout Load, keep the groups:")* Fix: "Uncaught ReferenceError: wpacuLoadCSS is not defined" was sometimes showing. It's been fixed by updating the fallback script needed for CSS async preloading (e.g. for browsers that do not support it by default)* Fix: "Warning: Constant WPACU_PREVENT_ANY_FRONTEND_OPTIMIZATION already defined"
07 Jun 2021 - Version
27 Apr 2021 - Version
18 Jan 2021 - Version
24 Nov 2020 - Version
18 Oct 2020 - Version
29 Aug 2020 - Version
20 Aug 2020 - Version
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 14-01-2025
الفئة Plugin
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الآراء 3956
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