Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin - V6.12 NULLED

Version: 6.12 NULLED

Item cover for download Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin


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11 Sep 2024 - Version 6.12 NULLED
17 Aug 2024 - Version 6.11.2 NULLED
28 Jul 2024 - Version 6.11.1 NULLED
05 Jul 2024 - Version 6.11 NULLED
30 Jun 2024 - Version 6.10.1 NULLED
22 May 2024 - Version 6.9.2 NULLED
20 May 2024 - Version 6.9.1 NULLED
30 Apr 2024 - Version 6.9 NULLED
07 Apr 2024 - Version 6.8.4 NULLED
22 Mar 2024 - Version 6.8.3 NULLED
28 Feb 2024 - Version 6.8.2 NULLED
31 Jan 2024 - Version 6.8 NULLED
10 Jan 2024 - Version 6.7.1 NULLED
20 Dec 2023 - Version 6.7 NULLED
09 Dec 2023 - Version 6.6 NULLED
18 Nov 2023 - Version 6.5.4 NULLED
12 Nov 2023 - Version 6.5.3 NULLED
26 Sep 2023 - Version 6.5 NULLED
14 Sep 2023 - Version 6.4.3 NULLED
07 Sep 2023 - Version 6.4.2 NULLED
22 Aug 2023 - Version 6.4.1 NULLED
28 Jul 2023 - Version 6.4 NULLED
09 Jul 2023 - Version 6.3.3 NULLED
14 Jun 2023 - Version 6.3.1 NULLED
09 May 2023 - Version 6.3 NULLED
17 Mar 2023 - Version 6.1.2 NULLED
28 Feb 2023 - Version 6.1.1 NULLED
25 Feb 2023 - Version 6.1 NULLED
17 Feb 2023 - Version 6.0 NULLED
04 Feb 2023 - Version 5.5.7 NULLED
06 Dec 2022 - Version NULLED
04 Dec 2022 - Version 5.5.4 NULLED
06 Nov 2022 - Version NULLED
* New: HTML emails using wpautop will now also convert line breaks into <br /> tags.* New: Improved support for importing large XML files. Previously a file over 200MB would trigger a "parser error : internal error: Huge input lookup" error.* Fix: When an HTML email includes a body tag, only the content of the body tag will use wpautop.* Fix: A duplicated field group would merge into one larger field group instead of creating a second identical field group as expected.* Fix: The "Add Fields Here" placeholder wouldn't hide after duplicating a section until after refreshing the page.* Fix: The Screen Options tab was not hidden after duplicating an entry, causing it to overlap the update button.* Fix: An imported view shortcode was not properly updating to its new ID value if the post containing it did not also include a [formidable] shortcode.* Fix: Tooltips that overlap the element that triggered the tooltip would cause the tooltip to flicker on and off.* Fix: The ellipses icon that triggers shortcode pop ups was offset incorrectly in of text fields inside of form actions.* Fix: The update button was missing on the alternative style editor submenu link available from the WordPress themes menu.* Fix: Honeypot fields should no longer gain focus when tabbing through fields in Chrome.* Fix: Fields wouldn't follow the cursor as expected after scrolling the page while dragging.* Fix: Recent styling updates were applying to radio buttons in the form builder by mistake, causing them to look incorrect.* Front end polyfills for IE8 have been removed, reducing the size of the loaded script file.* Added additional form builder restrictions so a hidden field and page break don't become part of a field group.
16 Oct 2022 - Version 5.5.2 NULLED
01 Oct 2022 - Version 5.5.1 NULLED
17 Sep 2022 - Version 5.5 NULLED
01 Sep 2022 - Version 5.4.5 NULLED
* New: Added support for several new language options for datepicker localization and for reCAPTCHA.* New: Updated deprecated code in Elementor widget for better compatibility with new versions of Elementor.* Fix: Actions that trigger when an entry is deleted were not properly working when conditional logic would check item meta values.* Fix: An imported application page's parent page ID was not updating to match the new imported parent page ID.* Fix: Clicking save while a field was still being inserted would cause an error pop up to appear with a missing message.* Removed a restriction that was preventing a second summary field from being added after adding the first.
19 Aug 2022 - Version 5.4.4 NULLED
05 Aug 2022 - Version 5.4.3 NULLED
* New: Added a new Format number as currency setting to Slider fields as well as additional Use custom currency format settings to make customizing the slider field value formatting as easy as possible.* New: Long field names are no longer truncated in submit button and action conditional logic dropdowns to make the names easier to read.* New: Added a new not_equals alias for conditional shortcodes that works the same as not_equal.* New: The frm_after_duplicate_field hook is now also triggered when a section is duplicated.* Fix: An unknown column id database error was occasionally preventing new the new Application flow as items were being added.* Fix: Thumbnails for images were missing when moving between form pages and a generic document icon was being used instead.* Fix: A conflict with Yoast was preventing protected files from generating sizes properly. This caused issues with files appearing in summary fields when Yoast was active.* Fix: Application pop ups were occasionally getting cut off leaving the buttons in the footer inaccessible.
22 Jul 2022 - Version 5.4.2 NULLED
* New: Autocomplete dropdowns in the back end will now include an aria-label on the options to avoid accessibility issues with screen readers only reading ID values.* New: A redirect will now happen after a form is duplicated to avoid issues with multiple duplicate actions on page refresh.* New: Added additional styling for repeaters in tables shown in email actions to show indentation for the repeated data.* New: Added a Save and Reload button that appears after installing a required add on when clicking a field with missing requirements from the form builder.* Fix: The aria-describedby attribute will now be ordered intentionally so errors get first priority by default. Checks have been added to avoid duplicate ids appearing in aria-describedby attributes as well.* Fix: A few issues with label position settings were introduced with last update that are now fixed. Labels were appearing when the "none" label position setting was set.* Fix: Automation settings were appearing for action types that don't support automation when the Form Action Automation add on wasn't active.* Fix: Fixed a caching conflict that would cause back end pages to break on some servers with an frmDom is not defined console error.* Fix: Labels were appearing overlapped over input fields when previewed from the style manager for styles with the inline label position setting.* Updated the icon for Zapier.
12 Jul 2022 - Version 5.4.1 NULLED
New: Temporary uploaded files will now be deleted with a cron job when crons are enabled.New: Added a new Autocomplete setting to Text fields for defining the autocomplete attribute value in HTML.Fix: Expired licenses were appearing as "Premium" in the license settings section with an option to upgrade to Elite and will now properly show the license type before it was expired.Fix: Summary fields would display a "You do not have permission to do that" message for inaccessible protected files. Now an icon based off of file type will be displayed instead of the permission error.Fix: Warnings were appearing when editing entries with Likert fields in some cases.
25 Jun 2022 - Version 5.4 NULLED
10 Jun 2022 - Version 5.3.2 NULLED
New: RGB and RGBA color values will now be fixed automatically on save if incomplete to avoid broken CSS.
06 Jun 2022 - Version 5.3.1 NULLED
* New: Unlocked application templates now appear at the top of the list of templates.* New: Improved the responsiveness of the cards on the Application dashboard page.* Fix: Prevent a conflict with All in One SEO that was preventing CSS from loading at all when the only on applicable pages setting is selected.* Fix: An unexpected add new button was appearing on a few pages and has been removed.* Fix: Prevent a fatal error in PHP8 that happens on sites with an unexpected empty string gmt_offset option set.
29 May 2022 - Version 5.3 NULLED
* New: Added a new applications page for displaying available Formidable application templates.* New: Imported views and pages with [formidable] and [display-frm-data] shortcodes will now replace old form and view ids with the new imported ids.* New: Imported forms will now replace the old field ids with new field ids when the id is used in a field_id shortcode option.* Fix: Field id values were not always properly updating when duplicating a form depending on the order of the fields.
12 May 2022 - Version 5.2.07 NULLED
Fix: Step value validation was occasionally breaking in some cases due to rounding precision issues.
06 May 2022 - Version 5.2.06 NULLED
22 Apr 2022 - Version 5.2.05 NULLED
09 Apr 2022 - Version 5.2.04 NULLED
31 Mar 2022 - Version 5.2.03 NULLED
13 Mar 2022 - Version 5.2.02 NULLED
* Updated Bootstrap to version 4.6.1.* New: Name fields will be automatically used to define entry names if available.* New: Added setting to update privileged access message.* Fix: Section icon dropdown toggles were not displaying updated changes.* Fix: Prevent a PHP 8.1 deprecation message where null was being passed to substr.* Fix: Name fields with no descriptions were still displaying bottom margins.
25 Feb 2022 - Version 5.2.01 NULLED
12 Feb 2022 - Version 5.2 NULLED
30 Jan 2022 - Version 5.1 NULLED
15 Jan 2022 - Version 5.0.17 NULLED
02 Jan 2022 - Version 5.0.16 NULLED
17 Dec 2021 - Version 5.0.15 NULLED
04 Dec 2021 - Version 5.0.14 NULLED
20 Nov 2021 - Version 5.0.13 NULLED
10 Nov 2021 - Version 5.0.12 NULLED
- New: When the frm_inline_submit class is added to custom Submit Button HTML if frm_inline_form is missing from the form it will now be automatically added to allow for the submit button to become inline.- Fix: Many Formidable addons were not properly displaying update details from the plugins page.- Fix: Fewer API requests will be sent to Formidable when inbox notice cached results expire and when a request results in an error.- Fix: Added additional validation to CSV export so it fails more gracefully when the form does not exist.- Fix: The style setting for Margin under Field Settings as been renamed to Bottom Margin to avoid confusion as it only updates one margin value.
31 Oct 2021 - Version 5.0.11 NULLED
28 Oct 2021 - Version 5.0.10 NULLED
- Security: Improved how data is sanitized when previewing in the style manager.- Fix: Prevent a warning when trying to get inbox messages from the API when no messages are being returned.- Fix: The frm_alignright class was being stripped in the form builder, preventing the right alignment from appearing in the back end.- Fix: The frm_alignright class was causing fields to shift to the wrong row. The style definition has been updated so it will stay in the same row as other fields.- Fix: Required messages were not properly appearing for empty radio buttons when an other option was selected but left empty and JavaScript validation was on.
10 Oct 2021 - Version 5.0.08 NULLED
09 Oct 2021 - Version 5.0.07 NULLED
06 Oct 2021 - Version 5.0.06
22 Sep 2021 - Version 5.0.05
* Deprecated the option to disable CSS Grids in form layouts.* Fix: JavaScript validation was failing to validate for many fields with custom patterns because extra conflicting HTML was sometimes being added to the check.* Fix: Field dropdowns are now more accessible and it should be easier to delete and duplicate fields with a screen reader.* Fix: Updated form padding on admin page so forms with custom padding don't appear small in the back end.
20 Sep 2021 - Version 5.0.04
12 Sep 2021 - Version 5.0.03
* New: Added an Elementor widget.* New: When duplicating fields, most unsaved changes will now duplicate as well.* New: Next button label and slider field label previews will now update as soon as the setting is changed in the form builder.* New: Slider field previews will now update when the min and max values are updated in the form builder.* Fix: The search dropdown was getting cut off on pages with no search results.* Fix: When legacy views or visual views are active, both versions were appearing active on the add ons page.
16 Aug 2021 - Version 5.0.01
13 Aug 2021 - Version 5.0
* Increased WP version requirement to 5.0.* New: Fields can now be dragged beside each other and grid layouts will be automatically applied.* New: Added the option to quickly set layouts for a full row of fields at once.* New: Fields can now be multiselected using the command, control, and shift keys. Selected field groups can be merged into rows and deleted in batches.* New: Added additional formatting to calculations to avoid issues with comparisons getting stripped when spaces are left out.* New: Permissions are now updated right away when a formidable license is activated to avoid issues with certain pro features not being available right away.* Fix: Updated styling rules for repeater button icons to avoid issues with file upload icons getting styled as well.* Fix: The confirmation pop up title was displaying as inline when trying to delete a section.* Fix: Updated styling for new fields that are about to be dropped into a form.
31 Jul 2021 - Version 4.11.05
* New: Improved support for importing grid and table view content.* Fix: The update and preview buttons in the form builder would wrap to two lines for some longer translations including German and Dutch.
17 Jul 2021 - Version 4.11.04
* New: The first field with an error will now automatically get focus when a form is submitted for better accessibility and improved user experience.* Fix: The reply to value of an email would default to the admin email instead of the from email when a shortcode with an empty result was used.* Fix: When switching between the dropdown and text lookup types, the watch lookup option not properly toggle back on.* Fix: The autocomplete page dropdown was not consistent with other styles.
11 Mar 2021 - Version 4.09.08
08 Mar 2021 - Version 4.09.07
11 Feb 2021 - Version 4.09.05
09 Dec 2020 - Version 4.09.02
27 Aug 2020 - Version 4.07
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 11-09-2024
Category Plugin
Theme Type NULLED
File size 2.28 MB
Comments 0
Views 4175
Sales 2
Downloaded 43