Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder - V1.5.118

Version: 1.5.118

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05 Sep 2024 - Version 1.5.118
24 Jul 2024 - Version 1.5.113
20 Jul 2024 - Version 1.5.112
05 Jul 2024 - Version 1.5.111
01 Jun 2024 - Version 1.5.107
23 Feb 2024 - Version 1.5.95
17 Jan 2024 - Version 1.5.92
24 Dec 2023 - Version 1.5.90
20 Dec 2023 - Version 1.5.88
31 Jul 2023 - Version 1.5.78
22 Jul 2023 - Version 1.5.75
13 Jul 2023 - Version 1.5.73
15 May 2023 - Version 1.5.61
11 Apr 2023 - Version 1.5.59
11 Apr 2023 - Version 1.5.59
09 Feb 2023 - Version 1.5.53 NULLED
* Fix: keep exclude terms in grid when filtering with "override terms" mode* Fix: fixed get_terms() not found php error from 1.5.52 version
20 Dec 2022 - Version 1.5.44 NULLED
* Change: updated freemius to the latest version* Fix: fixed remote play / pause button* Fix: fixed search filter unicode phrase* Fix: fixed entrance animation appear on scroll* Feature: added video gallery responsive options* Fix: fixed some owl carousel size on init bug* Fix: fixed js widgets under the dynamic grid template like flipbox
25 Nov 2022 - Version 1.5.40 NULLED
* Feature: added integration to woocommerce multicourancy plugins* Feature: made some integration with translate press plugin* Feature: added select post and select term attribute* Fix: fixed dynamic loop css backgrounds with containers* Fix: fixed mousewheel event in the carousel* Fix: fixed some rare php error with filters
12 Nov 2022 - Version 1.5.38 NULLED
* Fix: fixed galleries default sizes with post filters* Fix: fixed hidden option in select filter in safari browser* Fix: fixed non ssl assets url* Feature: added "schema" special attribute* Fix: fixed false autoplay in carousel
27 Oct 2022 - Version 1.5.35 NULLED
bug fix: fixed include by id's from dynamic field, and terms from dynamic field in post selection
11 Sep 2022 - Version 1.5.29 NULLED
* Fix: fixed a small issue with search page and load more* Fix: fix vimeo videos stoppped playing bug
03 Sep 2022 - Version 1.5.27 NULLED
* Fix: fixed popular posts plugin integration* Fix: removed some console logs in filter.js file* Fix: fixed ajax pagination jump* Fix: fixed unitegallery strict standards bugs* Change: renamed field - "use dynamic fields" to "use current post data" in widget editor* Change: updated freemius sdk to: 2.4.5
19 Aug 2022 - Version 1.5.26 NULLED
* Feature: added debug to remote elements* Fix: made some protection against wrong animation names in carousel* Fix: added some small fixes to carousel and remote sync js libraries* Fix: done a better find closest section in remote* Fix: fixed not showing values in elementor editor post selectors
16 Aug 2022 - Version 1.5.25 NULLED
* Feature: added option to set title field in items* Fix: fixed some more lazy load related protections in galleries* Fix: Fixed some Elementor 3.7 deprecation issues
29 Jul 2022 - Version 1.5.22 NULLED
-feature: added option to connect to another parent in remote arrows-bug fix: fixed doubly plugin integration import bg widgets-feature: added change url and back button in ajax filers behaviour-bug fix: fixed remote next/prev directions in carousels-bug fix: added some more protection against infinite loops from post content processing
15 Jul 2022 - Version 1.5.20 NULLED
* Feature: added more widget debug type - current post fields* Feature: updated admin title on edit widget view* Feature: added option to carousel: scroll to head* Feature: added query data attributes into filtering grid* Fix: fixed ajax pagination in some cases* Fix: fixed small php bug with hover animations control* Fix: fixed lity lightbox with vimeo autoplay* Fix: fixed item index after shuffle* Fix: fixed some seleted tab filters related issues* Fix: fixed load more filter doubly ajax request in some cases* Fix: fixed woo scedualed sale price output* Fix: in filters replace url with pagination as well* Fix: changed gallery arrows to svg
23 Jun 2022 - Version 1.5.18 NULLED
* Change: updated fancybox version* Fix: Fixed bug with ajax load more and ajax pagination
11 Jun 2022 - Version 1.5.17 NULLED
-feature: fixed entrance animation attribute-bug fix: fixed uc_inside_editor variable inside background widget-bug fix: fixed empty default value of radio boolean control-bug fix: fixed double filtering issues in archive pages
04 Jun 2022 - Version 1.5.16 NULLED
* Fix: fixed double plugin versions in pro version* Fix: fixed 1 size gap in one item owl carousel* Fix: fixed the dissapearing options bug in mobile
31 May 2022 - Version 1.5.15 NULLED
-change: set cache folder inside wp-uploads-feature: added option to get terms last level only - for post list / grid-feature: added twig function - get_current_user-feature: disabled right click on html5 galleries (unite gallery)-bug fix: the image and video repeater was missing default items-bug fix: fixed load more and filters on a search page-bug fix: fixed carousel stage padding issues-bug fix: fixed carousel 1 item one pixel issues-bug fix: fixed default values in responsive selectors
25 May 2022 - Version 1.5.13 NULLED
* Feature: added integration with "sticky posts switch" plugin* Feature: added special attribute type - entrance animation* Fix: fixed sync bug between two similar elements* Fix: fixed filters loading with wp-rocket lazy load scripts* Fix: fixed put_hide_ids_css function small bug* Fix: fixed fetch 2 and more widgets within one section for filtering* Fix: fixed slider control js empty output bug* Fix: fixed gallery title as number js bug* Fix: fixed gallery images from meta fields source as array 
12 May 2022 - Version 1.5.12 NULLED
-feature: added integration for wpml media change-feature: bug fix: fixed hover animations setting don't work on front in some cases-bug fix: fixed blank window opened by a link-bug fix: fixed acf boolean value present-bug fix: fixed another gallery related lazy load issues-feature: in post selection by date added options for "future from today", and "future from tomorrow".-feature: added new function: "put_hide_ids_css" to hide some css comma saparated id's from css tab.-feature: added support for ajax refresh for multiple synced grids together-feature: added option to test instagram data-feature: added phpinfo view in settings - troubleshooting 
17 Apr 2022 - Version 1.5.11 NULLED
* Feature: made option to put elementor post_content inside post widget if the post made by elementor* Feature: added additional fields to getPostAuthor function like avatar url and author meta* Feature: show the "no posts" message with filters in post list / grid* Feature: add background location (back/front) to background widgets* Feature: done option to get post parent with the posts in posts selection* Fix: set prices display in woocommerce widgets including tax* Fix: fixed editor js files didn't loaded bug* Fix: fixed css output with dynamic template and inline css mode* Fix: fixed the ajax pagination that now works with post based gallery widget* Fix: fixed filters scripts loading before jquery in js* Fix: allow to select empty terms in term selection control* Change: set default values of responsive number / slider / dropdown controls to desktop default values
05 Apr 2022 - Version 1.5.10 NULLED
* Fix: fixed title and description source in gallery source selection* Fix: fixed the dropdown attribute php filter for elementor* Feature: added "menu_id" for various uses as menu attribute output* Feature: added option for side offset in owl carousel* Feature: added option for second items html refresh in ajax filters
03 Apr 2022 - Version 1.5.9 NULLED
* Fix: fixed simple meta output for post list* Feature: made dynamic grid work with filters* Feature: the background widgets works for the new container objects as well* Feature: added include by another meta field in post query
19 Mar 2022 - Version 1.5.7 NULLED
-feature: added option to modify dropdown items in php-bug fix: fixed gallery default items preview and init-bug fix: fixed remote counter js error
18 Mar 2022 - Version 1.5.6
bug fix: fixed dissapearing items in remote related widgets
08 Mar 2022 - Version 1.5.4
* Feature: added roles to post filter: single, main and child* Feature: added option "placeholder" and "disable dynamic" for text field control* Feature: added option for debug meta fields in post list, post grid* Fix: fixed some pagination widget buttons related issues* Fix: fixed non clickable items in some widgets* Fix: fixed put_items(0) - first item output in twig
05 Mar 2022 - Version 1.5.3
* Feature: added functionality to put image inside taxonomy terms widget* Fix: fixed load more on archive page with orderby=xxx filter in url* Fix: made support for woocommerce special order by in load more* Change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.3 version (Security fix)
28 Feb 2022 - Version 1.5.2
-bug fix: fixed load more for current query posts-bug fix: fixed background js based widgets with elementor popups-bug fix: fixed unitegallery unclosed tag issue-bug fix: fixed replace mode in tabs filters-feature: set up remote and sync functionality for the galleries
24 Feb 2022 - Version 1.5.1
-feature: improved post pagination debug and added force options-feature: added code for the button filters-feature: added option to shuffle owl carousel-feature: added option for general "shuffle" in items-change: changed the "choose template" setting text to attirbute title-feature: made option for text modify, and get the current page url and current page title-bug fix: fixed load more if offset turned on in the grid-bug fix: fixed link control attributes parsing-feature: get feature image of a product from a first gallery image if featured image not exists-feature: added function "one_random" and "first" to get_items twig function-feature: added support for jet listing item-bug fix: fixed sync general api related bugs in elementor editor
05 Feb 2022 - Version 1.5.0
* Feature: added tabs in items controls* Feature: added functionality for ajax taxonomies terms filter* Feature: added some accessability to owl carousel buttons
30 Jan 2022 - Version 1.4.99
* Feature: added option for disable content filtering in general settings->troubleshooting* Feature: added taxonomies in widget debug output* Fix: fixed some gallery lazy load related js bugs
24 Jan 2022 - Version 1.4.98
-feature: modified remote general js api to fit more types of widgets-bug fix: fixed some small php notices output in post query-feature: added support for put meta field in post list
11 Jan 2022 - Version 1.4.97
-feature: add code base for the taxonomy filter-feature: added option to highlight all carousel items-bug fix: added support for acf fields styles in dynamic grid-bug fix: fixed some wp-rocket and filters related bug-feature: added active class to new owl carousel-feature: added scroll on click functionality to new owl carousel
01 Jan 2022 - Version 1.4.96
-bug fix: fixed some filters related issue-feature: use yoast main category feature to determine post main category-feature: added get woocommerce product gallery functionality to twig-feature: added support for multiple attribute conditoins values-feature: added menu order in advanced widget debug type-bug fix: added custom attributes to link attributes output-feature: added WooCommerce endpoints links code to twig-feature: added option to disable font awesome in general settings
17 Dec 2021 - Version 1.4.95
bug fix: fixed db table not found php bug in some cases
05 Dec 2021 - Version 1.4.93
* Fix: fixed some connected widgets bugs when there is many of them in the page* Change: removed the black friday sale banner* Feature: added general remote API for various widgets connections* Feature: add some code base for the new gallery output
27 Nov 2021 - Version 1.4.92
-bug fix: fixed similar post content in post list-change: saparated remote and sync options in connected widgets settings
25 Nov 2021 - Version 1.4.91
bug fix: fixed the wrong post intro in editor mode
19 Nov 2021 - Version 1.4.89
-bug fix: fixed error message on remote widgets-bug fix: fixed css in post content in editor-bug fix: use better strip tags for post intro-feature: done the functionality for sync widgets-feature: done the functionality remote widgets
10 Nov 2021 - Version 1.4.88
-bug fix: fixed gutenberg support in widgets-bug fix: fixed all the pagination issues in archive page
05 Nov 2021 - Version 1.4.87
-bug fix: fixed some load more last issues-feature: added code for taxonomy terms filter-feature: added code for checkbox filter
21 Sep 2021 - Version 1.4.82
-feature: added troubleshooting setting - show php error message-bug fix: fixed mb_string absence php bug-bug fix: fixed heading attribute label-bug fix: fixed responsive elementor controls in widget items-feature: added px, vh, % options for slider attribute-feature: added dynamic group attributes for galleries, including image and video-feature: added option to convert one date string to another with ucdate filter-feature: added option to use items in background widgets-feature: added ucfunc("set") and ucfunc("get") functions in twig for remember and retrieve variables-feature: added include by option: "children of current term" to category selection options-feature: added option to pull woo product variations in twig-bug fix: fixed error when exists dynamic link in dynamic loop widgets-bug fix: enabled pagination in a single type in dynamic template grid-feature: added placeholder: link_withprefix, link_noprefix for link attribute-bug fix: the "not equal" attributes condition now works-bug fix: fixed not editable empty dropdown attribute in widget editor
20 Aug 2021 - Version 1.4.81
-feature: added json select (lottie) for image attribute type -feature: made option for ajax in widgets with post list attribute-feature: made the ajax pagination work with pagination widget-change: added more types of debug for pagination widget-bug fix: fixed import with template button dissapear in the new bar-bug fix: fixed widgets icons-change: changed widget icons chooser for elementor icon instead of font awesome icon-feature: added dynamic options for number and slider attribute types-feature: added new owl carousel sources in assets chooser-feature: added heading attribute
11 Aug 2021 - Version 1.4.80
-bug fix: fixed some test widgets output relate bugs-feature: added option to change items section label-feature: added js snippet with code that works in elementor popup-bug fix: conditions settings was not affected typography controls-feature: added option to add {current_user_id} keyword in post meta query-feature: added option for block label inside each attribute-feature: added heading text option for items section-change: added some instructions for api connectivity test in general settings - troubleshooting-feature: added extra fields to image base gallery options-feature: added php filter option for variable-feature: added twig functions "get_post_term" and "is_post_has_term". The examples visible when you click on item.posts.putPostTerm placeholder-bug fix: fixed template dynamic background image didn't displayed bug in dynamic loops
08 Jul 2021 - Version 1.4.77
* Fix: fixd the is_ajax() error function from the admin area
23 Jun 2021 - Version 1.4.75
04 May 2021 - Version 1.4.72
25 Apr 2021 - Version 1.4.71
23 Mar 2021 - Version 1.4.68
20 Feb 2021 - Version 1.4.66
05 Feb 2021 - Version 1.4.65
04 Feb 2021 - Version 1.4.64
01 Jan 2021 - Version 1.4.60
09 Dec 2020 - Version 1.4.57
06 Nov 2020 - Version 1.4.51
13 Oct 2020 - Version 1.4.48
10 Oct 2020 - Version 1.4.47
08 Aug 2020 - Version 1.4.42
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