OK, here’s how to null EventON for both the main plugin and the addons. These instructions are for 2.6.5 and line numbers are for unedited files (so if you add code somewhere, the line numbers will change accordingly).
In the file eventON/includes/admin/class-license.php, after line 19 which is
public function purchase_key_format($key){
return true;
Then in the function remote_validation($args), after line 325 which is
$output['api_url'] = $url;
if($this->slug == 'eventon'){ $this->set_prop( 'buyer', 'whatever_name_you_want_here'); $output['status'] = 'good'; $this->set_prop('remote_validity','valid' ); } else { $this->set_prop('remote_validity','valid' ); $this->set_prop('key',$key ); $output['status'] = 'good'; } return $output;
Then in the file eventON/includes/admin/class-admin-ajax.php, after line 894 which is function get_remote_validation_results($validation, $PROD, $type){
$output['status'] = 'good'; $PROD->set_prop('status', 'active'); EVO_Error()->record_activation_rem(); return $output;
Then in the function deactivate_product(), after line 927 which is
$error_code = '00';
if($_POST['type'] == 'main'){ $PROD = new EVO_Product_Lic('eventon'); $status = $PROD->deactivate(); $slug = 'eventon'; EVO_Error()->record_deactivation_loc($slug); $html = $this->get_html_view('main',$slug); $error_code = 33; } else { //for addons $PROD = new EVO_Product_Lic($_POST['slug']); $error_code = 33; EVO_Error()->record_deactivation_rem(); $PROD->deactivate(); $html = $this->get_html_view('addon',$_POST['slug']); $status = 'success'; } $return_content = array( 'status'=> ($status?'success':'bad'), 'msg'=>EVO_Error()->error_code($error_code), 'html'=> $html, ); echo json_encode($return_content); exit;
Any details can be used to activate the plugin. Also, any addons that get installed you can use any details to activate those too. It’s also safe to deactivate should you need to for any reason.